
Dictionaries and encyclopedias are among the best sources to use to acquaint yourself with correct terminology, and also, to find a general introduction to the subject matter. In the dictionary category, I have provided you with one internet index (Google) and an additional source providing authoritative definitions of Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder.

"Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder"
  • Definitions of Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) on the Web:

  • This Google Index provides its readers with several links to organizations and how they define "Attention Deficit Disorder." Each link may provide a definition, an acronym or a definition provided by an organization. This index is an excellent tool for parents, teachers, and students who need a quick reference to words associated with this disorder.

    "Learning Disabilities"

  • Important Definitions of Learning Disabilities - National Institution for Literacy

  • The National Institution for Literacy provides this link to the United State's Office of Education's definitions of learning disabilities. "The following definitions are important for several reasons. The United States Office of Education's definition is the basis for determining learning disabilities among school age children. The Learning Disabilities Association of America's definition reflects the views of one of the largest advocacy groups for learning disabilities (LD) in the country. The Interagency Committee on Learning Disabilities' definition was acceptable to federal agencies on the committee, except for the US Department of Education. The National Joint Committee on Learning Disabilities' more recent LD definition was acceptable to most advocacy and professional organizations. And finally, Rehabilitation Services Administration's definition is one of few attempts to formulate a definition that focuses on work." This information is valuable when preparing IEPs and other documents where proper language is essential.

    Created by Mary M. Silgals, MLIS
    April 6, 2004
    Edited November 30, 2005

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