The Industrial Revolution occurred in the 19th century with the rise of industry in the
textile mills. Previously, the United States was an agricultural nation. Industry, however became more important
as new inventions changed the way goods were made, transported, and sold.
Three major developments were responsible for the changes: expansion of transportation, harnessing
of electricity, and changes in industrial processes. All these improvements were made possible by great American inventors.
We will take a look at ten of these men who were considered the most significant during the 19th century.
Events and Announcements Updated 11/9/07
Don't forget, to review your vocabulary words. We will have a quiz Friday, October 26. You can
review by using your drill cards or by using Quia. Click on the link below.
Industrial Revolution Vocabulary
Inventors Timeline - 1800-1899
Our class will be creating an inventors' timeline. The time line will include inventions/inventors
from 1800 to1899. Our time line will consist of hanging cards under the appropriate year on a long string.
Each card will have the inventor's name, invention, and year included on it. Check back later on our class photo page
to see how this project evolves.