Trident Academy

Earthshine Mountain Lodge Outdoor Education Program

Lake Toxaway, NC - (828)-862-4207

Emergency phone number - Mrs. McAbee 843-696-7352

September 26 -28, 2005

4th and 5th Graders

For more information about Earthshine and DESTINATION: 1840! visit the website here.

What to Bring?

    1. Sleeping bag or bedroll and pillow
    2. Towel and washcloth (old ones)
    3. Toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, hairbrush, etc.)
    4. Water bottle (or reused soda bottle with screw top)
    5. Underclothes
    6. Several pairs of socks
    7. Pajamas
    8. Pants - at least two pair, shorts
    9. Hiking boots or shoes - a pair to get we, a pair to stay dry
    10. T-shirts, sweatshirts, sweaters
    11. Rain gear (from head to toe)
    12. Windbreaker and/or warm jacket
    13. Plastic bag for wet stuff
    Optional: Period clothing, camera, chapstick, flashlight, sunscreen, extra money to visit the Moonshadows Treasure Shop
    NO NOT BRING! Radio, Walkman, knife, snacks, matches, or lighters.*
* Electronics are allowed on the bus. We will keep them in a box while at camp and return them for the trip home.

Monday, September 26

The bus will leave Trident Academy at 5 am and will arrive at Earthshine at 10:00 am.

Wednesday, September 28th

The bus will return to Trident Academy at 4 pm.