Credits section

animals in their environment animals in their environment animals in their environment animals in their environment animals in their environment animals in their environment animals in their environment animals in their environment animals in their environment


photo of egret       photo of canoe on marsh

To better understand the process read through all the stages before linking to the web pages or beginning your work. First stage is a group process, second stage is an independent process, and the third stage is a group process where all the stages are combined into a final project presentation.

First Stage:

Working in your assigned group, you will explore the web links in the resource section below, create a tidal marsh food web together, and take notes for a group report which addresses the questions in this first stage. Your group report will be at a minimum two-pages doubled-spaced typed. NOTE: you may go to the link in the resource list and choose a graphic organizer to use.

    2. Using the above link on a tidal marsh food web or this tidal marsh food web example as a model, draw a tidal marsh food web. Include at least two decomposers and producers and at least four consumers. Don't forget the sun!

    Your group may draw the food web on a poster board, cut photos from magazines and paste on a poster board, or include the food web in a powerpoint demonstration. Your drawing/poster board/powerpoint will be presented with your group presentation.
    In the second part of this stage, you will access the links provided in the resource section and answer the following questions. You may appoint a group reporter or take your notes independently. The answers to the following will be included in your group report.
    3. What are the biotic organisms in the tidal marsh ecosystem and food web?
    4. What are the abiotic features of the tidal marsh ecosystem and food web?
    5. What are the major sources of energy found in the tidal marsh ecosystem?
    6. In the tidal marsh food web, which organisms are decomposers, producers, or consumers? Remember that consumers can be prey, predators or both.
    7. Describe how changes in tides and seasons would affect the tidal marsh ecosystem.

Second Stage:

Each member of your group will choose to research one of the following organisms.

    producer        consumer (predator/prey)        decomposer

You will work individually to answer the following questions which relate to the organism you chose from the food web your group drew in the First Stage. Each person will turn in the completed question page, rough draft and a one page, double-spaced typed paper. For a printable copy of the Stage Two Assignment Questions. NOTE: you may go to the link in the resource list and choose a graphic organizer to use.

    1. What role does your organism play in the tidal marsh food web?
    2. What abiotic and biotic factors lead to changes in its abundance in the tidal marsh ecosystem?
    3. How does the abundance of your organisms affect its neighbors in the food web?
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Third Stage:

Your group will present its work to the class. As a group, prepare a 10 minute presentation showing the results of your investigations. Choose one of the following formats or discuss an idea of your own with your teacher. Your group report from stage one and answers to the questions in stage two should provide all the information you need for this presentation.

    Role playing

Before submitting your individual work or group presentation, read the evaluation rubric on the evaluation page to see how your group and individual tasks will be graded.

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Graphic Organizer

Houghton Mifflin English - Graphic Organizers

General Information on ecosystems and food webs

Oracle Think Quest - Food webs
Fitting Algae Into the Food Web - Oceanic food webs and algae
Welcome to Ocean Link Food Web - Oceanic food webs and scavengers
Interesting Facts about Food Chains - Food webs and food chains
Food Web
Student Zone - Food webs and ecosystems


Brain Pop - Watch the movie and try the quiz.
Revise Wise Science - Watch the slide show and try the quiz.

Tidal Marsh Ecosystems

Summit to the Sea - Tidal marsh ecosystems and food webs
Dynamics of the Sun - Tidal marsh ecosystems and food webs
Ecology and Food Webs in Wetlands - Tidal marsh ecosystems and food webs
Shorelines - Tidal marsh ecosystems and tides
Intertidal Zones - Tidal marsh ecosystem and tides

Changes in the Ecosystem

Wanted Dead or Alive - Invasive species
Too Few Fish in the Sea? - Overfishing
Explorelearning: Food chains - Try the gizmo and see what happens

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pluff mud
food web
food chain

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Last updated on July 28, 2004. Based on a template from The WebQuest Page