The objective of this exercise is twofold. Students will learn about the proliferation of American inventions that
took place during the years between 1800 and 1899. Students will gain skill in classifying information and arranging
events in chronological order on a graph (time line).
Materials needed (which I will provide):
Index cards
Clothes pins
Markers, pens
1. String a cord along one of the walls in the hall
2. Mark off sections of ten years each, starting with 1800
3. Assign inventions to students. Each invention is to be pasted from list onto card.
4. Using the clothes pins, hang the cards on the line at the appropriate places. If two or more inventions have
close dates, strings of different lengths may be hung from the horizontal cord.
Classifying information:
1. Print out the classification chart
2. Present each invention from cards
3. Write the invention in the proper column on the sheet
Here's the list of inventors and the inventions to create our timeline.