An Introduction to Robots

Links to additional resources


To better understand the process of this lesson, read through all the stages before linking to the PowerPoint Presentation, web pages, or beginning your work. First stage is a group process, second stage is an independent process, and the third stage is a individual process where all the stages are combined into a class discussion.

First Stage:

Working in your assigned group, you will explore the PowerPoint Presentation on the History of Robotics and answer the questions found at the first link.

     2. View Slides 1-14 on the The Early Stages." Answer question 1-7
     3. View Slides 15-41 on "Our Times." Answer questions 8-15.
     4. View the following three videos.

Slide 19 Video, Slide 24 (example), ASIMO video

Second Stage:
Now let's learn more about how robots are classified.  Go to the website and read about the different types of robots.
Print the worksheet and answer the questions.

Third Stage:
Visit the following websites and spend 15 minutes on each exploring them:
Robot Cafe - Build a Robot
Robot Constructor - Robot Constructor
Incredibots - Incredibots
On notebook paper, write a short review of each website and what you liked or disliked about the games.

Fourth Stage:
Write a one page, doubled spaced paper on what you have learned in this webquest. Be prepared to present your findings to the class during our discussion.

Mary M. Silgals, MLIS
May 29, 2009