Credits & References
Graphic Design
Our special thanks to all those who created the wonderful resources on the Internet and made them available for use in this WebQuest.
Graphic Design Templates were modified from the following source: The WebQuest Page and Design Patterns.
Clip Art is from the subscription based service at the following website: Tripod.Com.
Animation gifs are from the subscription based service at the following website: Animation Factory.
Navigation buttons are shareware and may be located at the following website: Button Studio.
Photos from: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/Department of Commerce
Wordbank definitions on process page from:
Diagram for food web on task page: Maryland With Pride.
Terms of Use
"We all benefit by being generous with our work. Permission is hereby granted for other educators to copy this WebQuest, update or otherwise modify it, and post it elsewhere provided that the original author's name is retained along with a link back to the original URL of this WebQuest. On the line after the original author's name, you may add Modified by (your name) on (date). If you do modify it, please let me know and provide the new URL."
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Last updated on July 28, 2004. Based on a template from The WebQuest Page